Business Transitions

Whether you're a family-owned business passing the baton to the next generation of leaders or are considering a sale of your business, a well-thought-out transition plan is essential.

A well-defined transition plan can help you maximize what is important to you and minimize business disruptions and undesired expenses such as taxes. At Pathway Financial Advisors, we understand the significance of these transitions and offer comprehensive services to guide you through the process. We have significant experience in helping business owners of many sizes navigate what for many is the most difficult transition of their lives.

Learn more about our Business Transitions process. Schedule an introductory phone call.

A CLIENT STORY: Gerald & Nancy

Gerald and Nancy started a services business in the late 1970s, growing it into a successful firm with over 50 employees and customers around the country. As Gerald and Nancy approached the early-60s, we began to help them identify potential business transition options. We worked closely with Gerald and Nancy first to help them understand how a sale would impact their long-term financial plan. We then worked to identify elements of a transition that were important to them. That process identified a requirement that any transition be positive for both their employees and their customers. After evaluating many options, selling the company internally to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan was chosen. We worked with Gerald and Nancy closely through the entire process, from due diligence, agreement drafting and review, price negotiation, and ultimately closing the transaction. This was a difficult process for Gerald and Nancy as they were transitioning their life’s work which brought to bear many mixed emotions. As we have worked with dozens of clients in their business transitions, we were able to support them through this complexity to arrive at a conclusion they felt in harmony with.*

*The above client story involves a current or former Pathway Client. Personal details, including names, have been modified to protect client confidentiality.